Unix little theary

Unix Operating System

In UNIX, the operating system is broken into three pieces: the kernel, the shell, and the built-in utilities. The kernel is responsible for low level hardware communication, the shell provides human users with a user-friendly interface, and the built-in utilities provide basic tools for doing work.

Heart of The Unix OS.
Collection of C programs directly communicating with hardware
Part of Unix system loaded into memory when Unix is booted


1.System resources
2.Allocates time between user and processes
3.Decides process priorities


Human interface point for Unix

Program layer – provides an environment for the user to enter commands to get desired results.

Korn Shell, Bourne Shell, C Shell are various shells used by Unix users

User login process

1.User attempts to log in.

2. Kernel calls program ‘init’.

3.‘init’ scans file /etc/inittab , which lists the ports with terminals and their characteristics and returns an active open terminal to ‘init’.

4.init calls program ‘getty’, which issues a login prompt in the monitor.

5.User enters login and password.

6.‘getty’ calls program ‘loginwhich scans file /etc/passwd to match username and password.

7.After validation, control passes to session startup program /bin/sh , session startup program.

8.Program /bin/shreads file /etc/profile and .profile and sets up system wide and user specific environment.

9.User gets a shell prompt

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